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Fourth-graders in teacher Rebecca Weeks’ class at Ocean Avenue Elementary School have won a $500 Painting for a Purpose grant to buy new recreation equipment for the school. “We have over 300 students that attend Ocean Avenue Elementary School. This recess equipment could reach all of those children!” the students wrote in their grant application.
- Ocean Avenue School
- Portland Public Schools
The fifth monthly meeting of the district’s new Community Advisory Committee on Attendance Boundaries for PreK-8 Schools ("Attendance Boundaries Advisory Committee") took place on Dec. 19. The agenda included a review of crossing guard data and also a review of capacity per building. If you missed the meeting, you can catch up on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7mhiM8PbbIE
- Elementary Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
On Monday, December 9, 2024, high school leaders came together and drafted an organizational structure for the high school community that honors our district's Portrait of a Graduate and Portrait of a School Community. This structure also addresses key areas outlined in the Integrated Consolidated 9-16 Educational Facility application. Read on to view the drafted organizational structure of the school community. While we will make space for feedback and revisions, this framework provides the foundation to build out and refine the rest of the design.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
Board of Public Education Chair Sarah Lentz presented the annual State of the Schools address to the City Council at its 5 p.m. meeting on Monday, Dec. 16, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The City Charter requires that the Board chair deliver an annual address to the Council on the state of Portland’s public education system.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
One returning Board member, two new members and five student representatives were sworn in at the Portland Board of Public Education’s Dec. 3 Inauguration Ceremony. The Board also voted for Sarah Lentz to serve for the third consecutive time as Board chair for the coming year and for Abusana “Micky” Bondo to be vice chair for a third year.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
Flags painted on lobster buoys by multicultural students to resemble the flags of their birth countries formerly were exhibited at the Portland Jetport, but now are on display at PPS – just in time for Portland’s Dec. 6 First Friday Art Walk. The brightly colored “Flags on Lobster Buoys” display in the window of the district’s Multilingual & Multicultural Center sends a message of welcome and inclusion to Portland’s diverse students and families.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
Bowdoin College’s Education Department recently presented Fiona Hopper and Bridgid Neptune with its 2024 Education for the Common Good Award. Hopper is PPS’ Wabanaki Studies and Black History coordinator, who led the development of the district’s new Wabanaki Studies curriculum. Neptune, a citizen of the Passamaquoddy Nation and a former PPS parent, served as a key advisor in the development process. The award honors educators who have created positive change and dedicated themselves to the community.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
In cases of inclement weather, the Portland Public Schools will use up to three traditional "snow days." Our schools will be closed and students will not be expected to go to school in person or learn remotely. No school meals will be provided on snow days.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
Three Board of Public Education seats were up for election on Nov. 5: an at-large seat and the District 1 and 2 seats. Newcomers to elected office, Maya Lena and Abdulkadir Ali, who prefers to be known as Ali Ali, won the at-large and District 2 seats, respectively. Incumbent Abusana “Micky” Bondo, the current Board vice chair, was re-elected to her District 1 seat. Also, current at-large Board member Ben Grant won a City Council seat so will be resigning his Board seat by December.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
Having multilingual books in the school library is creating fun “book buddy” experiences for students at Ocean Avenue Elementary School, says Eva Platt, the school’s teacher librarian.
- Ocean Avenue School
- Portland Public Schools
Jen Montague is the Portland Public Schools’ new Food Service Director. Her appointment was approved by the Board of Public Education at its Oct. 1 meeting and she joined the district on Oct. 14.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
Reminder: Odyssey of the Mind (OM) registration is open until Nov. 1 for Portland middle and high school students! OM is an international creative problem-solving program that challenges students to think outside the box, work collaboratively & unleash their imagination.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
The Board of Public Education has voted to approve a new three-year collective bargaining agreement with the union representing the district’s educational technicians. The new contract recognizes the important work of these valued employees and makes the Portland Public Schools more competitive with other districts.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
There are many ways to volunteer in The Portland Public Schools. Volunteers are always needed for classroom assistance, after-school tutoring, and chaperoning field trips. In addition, there are a wide variety of other volunteer opportunities. Check out the following examples and volunteer to make a difference in the lives of our students:
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
Joshua Chard, East End Community School teacher and 2024 Maine Teacher of the Year, and Melissa Frans, PPS special education multilingual coordinator, have been named as Maine Department of Education 2024/25 Teacher Leader Fellows – a cohort of six extraordinary educators from across the state. The six will share their expertise in civics, personal finance, integrated arts, and multilingual learning, including teaching multilingual learners with disabilities, with other educators across the state.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
The Portland Public Schools needs school crossing guards. Be a local hero to help students get to and from school safely! Rewarding work with no nights, weekends or holidays. Earn $20 per hour plus bonus time! For more information, call Area Supervisor Lenore at (207) 680-0180, text “KIDSSAFE” to 22100 or visit: https://acmssafety.com/careers/
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
The Portland Public Schools will again be partnering with Northern Light to offer flu vaccines in our schools for students and staff. Students and staff must enroll a week prior to the clinic. Unlike previous years, there will not be any same-day enrollments for the flu clinics.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
On Saturday, Sept. 21, the Portland Public Schools will hold ribbon cuttings to celebrate the completion of the renovation projects at Presumpscot, Longfellow and Reiche elementary schools! City voters in 2017 approved a $64 million Buildings for Our Future (BFOF) bond for renovations to Lyseth, Presumpscot, Longfellow and Reiche elementary schools. The renovations to Lyseth were finished in 2021, and a community celebration was held then.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
The entire PPS employee community gathered together on Wednesday, Aug. 28, in Merrill Auditorium to launch the 2024-2025 school year as one team, generating energy, inspiration, and a shared sense of belonging. The All Staff Welcome event also included a foundational overview of the district’s new strategic plan and priorities for the new school year.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
At its Aug. 20 meeting, the Portland Board of Public Education unanimously approved the appointment of the members of the district’s new Community Advisory Committee on Attendance Boundaries for PreK-8 Schools. The new Boundaries Committee is tasked with evaluating whether, and how, the district should redraw the enrollment boundaries for some or all of its elementary and middle schools to achieve more equitable enrollment and demographic balance. Also, the committee will consider whether changes should be made to the district’s current middle school model to better reflect current and future enrollment and better promote equity and achievement.
- Elementary Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
The 2024-2025 school year officially gets underway for students in September, but schools are also holding open houses and other activities in August to welcome back students and families.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
At its Aug. 6 meeting, the Board of Public Education approved the appointment of Darralynn Jones as Lyman Moore Middle School Principal and also of three assistant principals: Alberto Morales at Casco Bay High School, Kristin Rogers at Talbot Community School; and Rebecca Schouvieller at Deering High School. The Board also approved the appointment of Spencer Allen as Portland High School’s co-curricular director and was introduced to David Briley as a new teacher leader at Reiche Elementary School, a teacher-led school.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Public Schools
Three Portland Board of Public Education seats are up for election on Nov. 5: an at-large seat and the District 1 and District 2 seats. Only the at-large seat is contested on the ballot.
That seat is currently held by Board member Nyalat Billiew, who is not seeing re-election. Two candidates are vying for that at-large seat: Maya Lena and John Rousseau, both newcomers to Portland politics. Lena is a substitute teacher and artist in Portland and a PPS parent.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
Families, students, staff and members of the community are invited to apply for the district’s newly created Community Advisory Committee on Attendance Boundaries for PreK-8 Schools.
The new committee will be evaluating whether, and how, the district should redraw the enrollment boundaries for some or all of its elementary and middle schools to achieve more equitable enrollment and demographic balance. Also, the committee will consider whether changes should be made to the district’s current middle school model to better reflect current and future enrollment and better promote equity and achievement.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
The Portland Public schools will be operating various summer meal sites at 11 locations across the city of Portland this summer. All children and teens 18 years and younger can receive a nutritious meal free of charge to be enjoyed on site. Most sites will begin serving on Monday, June 24.
- Elementary Schools
- High Schools
- Middle Schools
- Portland Adult Education
- Portland Public Schools
What students, parents and faculty have to say about our school.
Ocean Ave at a Glance
Facts About Our School
Students Enrolled
Our students come from a wide variety of culturally rich backgrounds. We believe that learning in diverse groups prepares students to thrive.
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Languages Spoken by Students
Top 10 most spoken languages in the district includes: English, Somali, Arabic, Lingala, Khmer, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Vietnamese and Kinyarwanda.
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Economically Disadvantaged
Students are identified as economically disadvantaged based on eligibility for free or reduced-price meal programs or other criteria reflecting economic need.