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Ocean Avenue Elementary School opened to 440 Portland students in 2011. It has 21 classrooms, including two district-wide, self-contained special education programs. Our building is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified, with sustainable design features such as ample natural light, and a roof garden for natural cooling. Our wind-and-sun-powered outdoor sculptures are noted by all visitors.

Learn more about our Kinetic Installation

The 1940 social-realism murals in our main hallway were reinstalled from the old Nathan Clifford school and celebrate Maine's marine and agricultural traditions.

Learn more about our murals


Our Mission      
At Ocean Avenue Elementary School, a rigorous, inquiry-based curriculum helps our children develop into independent and creative thinkers, persistent learners, and internationally-minded citizens who are prepared to act with compassion and insight in a globalized society.

Our Vision
Ocean Avenue Elementary School students will achieve their highest potential by being knowledgeable, principled, and courageous young people who promote a healthy and more peaceful world.