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School Garden

Ocean Avenue School maintains a beautiful school garden that is harvested and maintained each spring and summer by school staff, volunteers and parents in the community. Over the past 2 years we have grown pumpkins, beans, corn, husk cherries, tomatoes, kale, cabbage, swiss chard, Napa cabbage, delicata squash, and leeks. All of our veggies we get as seedlings that were started by the students in the PATHS horticulture program. Our perennial pollinator plants include sunflowers, bee balm, borage and mint.  Some of the annuals that we add to the garden to also attract pollinators include verbena, snapdragons, salvia, and zinnias. In the past, Kindergarten Teacher Ms. Lisa Crowley and her students have harvested sunflower and zinnia seeds to grow in the garden the following year.